Welcome at "Artromedical Konrad Malinowski" – the Arthroscopy and Joint Reconstruction Surgery Center. Here you’ll find professional, competent and patient-oriented medical help. Medicine is art. What’s important in it, is not only abilites, but also good relations with patients.


I constantly broaden my knowlegde in leading medical centers in Poland and around the world. That said, I am able to choose the most suitable treatment  for every single one of my patients. I believe the main criteria for surgery indication are ailments, symptoms and the possibility of future ilness development, not only bad test results. I perform surgeries if it is indispensable and when all other methods of treatment have failed. I use only verified surgery methods to limit the risk of complications and to make sure patients will get better. Our Patients are under care of qualified physiotherapists before and after the surgical procedures.

My message is not only treatment of ill patients but I focus on injury prevention, joint preservation and in ensuring motoric activity for patients of all ages.

European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine

I hope you stay healthy.

I invite you to “Artromedical”,

Konrad Malinowski, MD PhD

Konrad Malinowski - Podpis