Exercises after treatment of the plantar aponeurositis – level 1
Exercises and management after treatment of the plantar aponeurositis, Achilles tendonitis or posterior tibial muscle tendonitits, level 1 – stretching
After growth factors injection we introduce immobilization (a stabilizer or a cast shoe) for 2-3 weeks. At least first 72 hours with non-wieght bearing and walking with crutches. We start stretching
exercises no sooner than 72 hours after injection. The exercises must be done every day for 2 weeks. When pain ailments wear off, we proceed to level 2 exercises.
We can use bands for stretching.
Stretching of the plantar aponeurosis, the Achilles tendon and of the posterior tibial muscle in a sitting position
To passively stretch Achilles tendon, plantar aponeurosis and posterior tibial muscle tendon
Start position
Sit with your leg straight. Put a towel or a band aroud your foot.
Pull the towel/band towards the chest, slowly and delicately. This will make the treated structures stretch.
Hold the leg stretched for 20 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
Keep your knee in full extension and do the exercise slowly. Don't go over the pain barrier.
Stretching of the plantar aponeurosis, the Achilles tendon and posterior tibial muscle in a standing position
To achieve elasticity in posterior shin and thigh muscles
Start position
Lean against the wall with the treated leg in the back. Body weight should rest on the toes of the leg in the back. The heel is raised in the air. Elbows flexed.
Let the body weight onto the wall (slowly flex the elbows) and delicatly press the heel of the treated leg onto the floor. The knee must be in full extension.
Keep the maximum stretching position for 20 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
Keep the heel pressed to the floor for 20 seconds. The more advanced you are in doing this exercise, the further in the back your leg should be.