Exercises after treatment of the tennis elbow with growth factors – level 1

Exercises after treatment of the lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) with growth factors, level 1 – stretching

We start stretching exercises 48 hours after the injection at the earliest. We do the exercises every day for 2 weeks. When pain ailments wear off, we proceed to level 2 exercises.

Stretching of the wrist extensors.

Rozciąganie prostowników nadgarstka


Start position

The forearm and fingers stretched out, elbow in full extension.


Hold the treated limb with the other one (see picture above) and slowly flex the wrist towards the floor to the point where you feel your upper part of the forearm and elbow stretch.


Hold the arm in the maximum stretch for 20 seconds. Repeat 10 times.


The shoulder should be relaxed. Stretch to the point of pain tolerance.

Stretching of the wrist flexors

Rozciąganie zginaczy nadgarstka


Start position

The forearm and fingers stretched out, elbow in full extension.


Hold the treated limb with the other one (see picture above) and slowly flex the wrist towards the ceiling to the point where you feel your upper part of the forearm and elbow stretch.


Hold your hand in this position for 20 seconds. Repeat 10 times.


The shoulder should be relaxed. Stretch to the point of pain tolerance.