Preoperative preparations Artromedical, MegaMed, MML, Ortopedicum

Where and when to report

Please report on the day of the planned surgery in one of the following:

  • Mega Med outpatient clinic in Belchatow at 93/95Czapliniecka Street, at the one-day surgery ward.
  • MML Medical Center in Warsaw, at 19 Slominskiego Street, rooms 503 and 510.
  • Ortopedicum in Cracow, at 3 Kolo Strzelnicy Street.

If the surgery is private, the payment is to be made on the day of the surgery in the cash desk in one of the above clinics, according to the price list. The patient receives the invoice at once.

Please take

  • crutches (if lower limbs will be operated on)
  • a refferal from a general practitioner to an orthopedic ward (the date on the refferal must not be earlier than a week before admission)
  • stabilizer – if the attending physician advices
  • valid insurance card with the TIN and workplace address, plus a copy of the first three pages of the card, medical record book or a medical certificate about hepatitis B vaccination
  • ID or passport
  • X-rays or other imaging examinations (MRI, CT and so on) and hospital discharge cards
  • in case of additional diseases – test results, medical documentation and used drugs
  • in case of additional insurance – a blank form from the insurance company
  • cooling gel compresses if you have any.


  • last small meal 12 hours before planned surgery; drink nothing 8 hours before the surgery. The last thing you have to drink could be tea, coffee or still mineral water.
  • if the patient is not of age, a parent or legal guardian needs to give a written consent to surgery and anaesthesia (one to surgery, one to anaesthesia), otherwise the procedure won't be perfromed. If the patient is 16, he/she additionally signs the consents
  • Do not shave, cream, embalm etc. operation area two weeks before planned procedure

Test results needed for surgery

  1. blood type and Rh factor
  2. HBs Ag (hepatitis immunity) or an insurance card that you've been vaccinated against type B hepatitis
  3. blood count
  4. Na; K; glucose level
  5. coagulation (APTT,INR)
  6. urea and creatinine
  7. urinalysis
  8. There's a possibility of bacterial focus in the organism. That's why you're required to have a comp oral panoramic done and to have a dental check-up to exclude the existence of inflammatory processes.

If the patient is over 40 or suffres from any additional disease (i.e. diabetes or hypertension)

  • ECG
  • chest X-ray

are required.

Lab tests need to be done a week before the surgery at the earliest. Hepatitis tests can be done earlier, they're valid for a few months.
Please bring a prescription for antithrombotic drugs, either from your general practiotioner or orthopaedist.
Patient needs to apply him/herself the antithrombotic drug (i.e. Clexane 0,04 or Fraxiparin 0,4 ml) at 8 p.m on the day before the surgery.


  • Most often patients are discharged the day after the surgery.
  • In case of growth factors treatment the patient leaves not earlier than on the next day after injection.
  • The patient is not allowed to drive on the way home – please make sure you have somebody to give you a lift.


See Post operative management after joint arthroscopy on

Any other information will be passed by a doctor.

If you have any questions please call doctor Malinowski's assistant at +48 509 513 810.